Mental Vaccine

🧠 Description

On the 11 th of March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) affirmed COVID-19, a pandemic, in response to more than 1,00,000 confirmed cases globally in more than 100 nations and the persistent danger of spreading further. As during this high time of pandemic, health safety is one of the major concern across the globe. Due to this pandemic a lot of people lost their relatives or friends, this shows how much we need to take care of everyone during this tough times.c One of the way to curb its menace is taking precautionary measures, as advised by the health experts. This pandemic has drastically affected the mental health of individuals becuase of mental stress, work load, lag in communication, etc etc :pensive:

We hereby present Mental Vaccine, a smart cross platform mobile application that engages and interacts with the user and gives them a personalised experience to luster their day and helping them to overcome mental stress.

🤔 Why Mental vaccine ?

Just as the vaccine is important for physical well-being and protection against coronavirus similarly Mental vaccine can cure stressful minds, enlighten mood, and help users to cope up with a bad day.

If you get stressed with too much unwanted information regarding the current situation around the world then use the Mental vaccine special information feature to get updated with only relevant information around you that matters the most, hence reducing unwanted stress.

Or if you had a bad day and you are looking for a piece of good advice or motivational thoughts relevant to your mood then use the mental vaccine as it uses an AI algorithm to detect the user’s mood, analyze it and respond accordingly.

Let’s see all the features at one place :stuck_out_tongue: ……….

:star: Features

  1. Geolocation Covid updates :earth_americas: - As we know too much information during this pandemic can lead to an increase in mental stress so we have implemented geo-specific covid updates that can show you all the relevant information regarding the current situation in your city based on your GPS avoiding unnecessary updates and information to reduce mental stress.
  2. Chatbot :robot: - We added a chatbot support that will help interact with you and help you to solve some basic helth problems.
  3. Voice to Text search :studio_microphone: - To make the app more accessible for old peoples we added a voice to text support where you can just make twitter or any reosurce query by just saying.
  4. Track you Family :family_man_man_girl_boy: - Not just your mental health is important you also need o take care of you family and even friends. Track their mental health by syncing you profile.
  5. Emotion detection :smile: - It will ask some basic questions to make a report of your mental condition and based on that it will show you some uplifting quote after a long stressful day, so we have trained an AI algorithm to detect your mood and luster you with related quotes and advice.

:wrench:Tech Stack

  • Google cloud DB
  • Flutter
  • Python
  • Dialogflow
  • AI and Deep Learning
  • Mobile App Development

:satellite: Future Work

  1. Add multi langauge support.
  2. Survey questions to perform sentimental analysis
  3. Profile page to access family statstics using graphs and pie charts.
  4. Add more voice assistant feature to make app moe accessible.